Thursday, June 7, 2012

End of the line...

After a great day at the beach and a kickbutt meal at Crabby Bills, I got my things in order to return to the road.

I left around 11am and quickly got into the groove of putting on the motorcycle miles...

Outside of rest stop 106 Port Charlotte it all came to a crashing halt!

I stopped to have a quick drink and bathroom break. While finishing my drink I sat on a bench outside the vending area. I laid my motorcycle jacket beside me and tried to cool off.

After some quick phone calls, I got ready to hit the road again. That's when it hit wallet was missing!! It must have fallen out when I laid my jacket beside me!! I raced back to the bench and of course it was gone...

In it of course was everything....Dl, credit cards, social security card and even my police badge.....crap

So I called for a report and limped my way back to home in order to try to replace all the stuff that was lost...

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